To access the social media icon settings included in the template control panel complete the following steps.

  1. Log into the administrator area of your website
  2. Select the Extensions menu
  3. Template Manager menu
  4. Open the template you have installed to access the control panel
  5. Open the community links tab
  6. You will now see a number of fields where you can enter the URL for the social networking site
  7. For example to display only the Twitter image in the header of the design you would enter your twitter URL in the field and slide the switch next to the field from OFF to ON
  8. If you want to disable all the other social network images just leave the fields blank and slide the switch next to each option to OFF
  9. If you want to disable just one of the social media icons just slide the switch next the social media option from OFF to ON
  10. Once you have made the changes select the Save & Close button and updates will appear in the header of the template.