Various styles and colors can be added to the modules in the Module Class Suffix


The styles are specific to each template, but the following classes are univeral accross all templates to majority of the temaplates. 

Please refer to the demo of each specific temaplte for more details on the custom classes. 


As a standard the templates use the folowing classes for the colors as specified as below

  • color1 uses #f3f3f3
  • color2 uses  Main Theme Color 1
  • color3 uses #2d2d2d

Custom Colors

You can also use the following tags to uses costom colors as show below

Font Colors

  • custom-color1
  • custom-color2
  • custom-color3
  • custom-color4

Background Colors

  • custom-background1
  • custom- background2
  • custom- background3
  • custom- background4

An example of using Custom Color 3 for the fonts and with Custom Background Color 1 for the background would be as per the scree shot below

custom colors

These custom colors can also be added as inline casses for example. 

<p class="custom-color3">This is text from the template color settings "color custom 3"</p>